Leon’s Garden World takes pride in serving perennials to our customers. Perennial plants bring immense beauty to homes and gardens. We are here to ensure the perennials you select will bring you happiness and vibrant color for years to come. Our perennial professionals are here to answer any questions you have about your new plants and aid you in caring for them. When it comes to perennials, our community trusts us to deliver the beauty their gardens deserve.

We Offer Endless Perennial Possibilities
Perennials take time to cultivate and mature. Getting to know a perennial over a couple of years or more and building a relationship with the plant brings pleasure and joy to gardeners of all kinds. We love helping our customers choose the right perennials for their gardens. Look at our list of perennials available to you today:
- Acanthus spinous
- Achilles millefolium yarrow
- Agastache x black adder has sop
- Ajuga reptans Black scallop
- Allium millennium
- Amsonia hubrichtii thread leaf Blue star
- Anemone
- Armenia maritime
- Asclepius tuberosa butterfly weed
- Astor dumosuus wood’s blue
- Astilbe chinensis vision in pink
- Baptisia Australia false indigo
- Campanula poscharskyana Blue waterfall
- Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
- Coreopsis verticillata Zagreb
- Delosperma ashtonii Hardy ice plant
- Delphinium
- Dianthus
- Dicentra eximia Cutleaf bleeding heart
- Digitalis Foxgloves
- Echinacea coneflower
- Eupatorium dubnium Little Joe pie weed
- Gaillardia x Grandiflora blanket flower
- Geranium x Roxanne
- Hellebores x Ballardiae
- Daylily Stella Dora
- Heuchera Coral bells
- Hibiscus moscheutos Hardy hibiscus
- Hostos
- Irises germanica
- Lavender x intermedia
- Leucanthemum x Becky Shasta daisies
- Monarda didyma Bee balm
- Nepeta walkers low
- Paleonia
- Rudbeckia Blackeye Susan
- Salvia May night
Pick the Right Perennials for Your Home
There is a multitude of perennials to choose from. Our professionals are waiting to help you find the right perennials for your garden, and we are passionate about the beauty of your home. That passion carries over into every step of your perennial selection process. You’ll do wonderful things with your garden by choosing us.
You’re sure to find your perfect perennials!
> Explore All Perennial Classes